Apple Batteries; Intel Processor Flaw

Happy 2018!

There’s lots of technology news to share:

  1. Apple Battery Replacement Price Lowered.
  2. Intel Processor Flaw Means Likely Device Slowdown.
  3. Change Your Passwords.
  4. Backup Your Data.


  1. Apple has admitted to slowing down certain iPhone models as their batteries age, in order to prevent unexpected shutdowns. If you have and iPhone SE, 6, 7, 8, or X, the cost of replacing your battery will be $29 through 2018. (regular price is $79). If you have any other iPhone model, replacing the battery costs $79. Battery replacement services are available at Apple stores or by mail-in.

Here’s the full story directly form Apple:


  1. We’ve recently learned of 2 flaws-Meltdown and Spectre-in the architecture of Intel (and possibly other vendors) processors-the brains used your computers, cell phones and other devices. These flaws, when exploited, could allow an attacker access to data on your computer or device.

Manufacturers of your device’s operating system: Windows, Mac, Chromebook, Smartphones, etc. are releasing software updates to mitigate these these threats. The bad news is that the fixes will likely slow your device by an estimated 5-30%.

Please keep your devices and anti-virus software updated!!


  1. Please change your passwords-especially financial and email passwords frequently. Much identity theft and bank account fraud occurs when criminals get hold of your passwords. Make their life hard by using complex (long and complicated) passwords. Also, use different passwords for each site you log into. Also, please pritest your smartphone and tablet with an unlock PIN.


  1. Please backup (copy your pictures, documents and other important files! We recommend both online backup as well as local backup for most clients. Our favorite online backup service is Carbonite. for $59.99 per YEAR, you can backup unlimited files on 1 device.


Happy New Year!
