Fake IRS Scams, CrashPlan Home and Mozy Backup Services

There’s always a lot going on in the tech world. Here are a few snippets I thought might be of interest:

It’s tax time, and the criminals are hard at work sending fake threatening emails and making phone calls, claiming to be from the IRS. Please do not respond to any such emails or phone calls (we’ve gotten 3 in the last week alone!). Enough said about that.

If you’re a customer of Crash Plan Home or Mozy online backup services, please be advised that Carbonite-our favorite online backup service-has acquired both companies. If you need any assistance transitioning to Carbonite, please let us know.

Facebook is allegedly being investigated by the Federal Trade Commission after reports of a massive breach of personal data of 50 million Facebook users. The data was collected by an app that users allowed to access their data, and was later sold to a data mining company in London.  For more information about the breach, see:  https://lamorindatechnology.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=59906339194d9866bd4c8e2fd&id=f1c58b19fc&e=9f2fc020ee

The thing that strikes me about these kinds of breaches is that we must be ever-vigilant about what apps we install-less is always better-and that there’s not much we can do to protect our privacy in this digital world, where so much information is stored on the Internet.


All the best,
